Assessment Support

Assessment Support is a key role of the Office of Assessment and Institutional Research (OAIR). It is our goal to explore every avenue of processes and technology to streamline and support our university assessment efforts. 

   Assessment Support Types

To support assessment on campus

We look for ways to use technology for better, or simply more efficient, assessment.

We provide training for units developing their assessment plans and building on them.

We provide survey data that deepens the understanding of assessment data that programs have already collected. 
We report University data in meaningful ways that inform assessment and decision-making.

We provide additional analysis and guidance upon request.

Across the departments that make up our institution, both academic and administrative, the assessment process includes

University Assessment Overview

While this process takes many shapes and forms across the institution, we are gaining insights into our students, our programs, and our ways of teaching and learning… and finding opportunities for how each can be strengthened.